Essay María Elena García
e) Translation has been an important part of English language teaching
for a long time, but it has been abandoned since communicative methodologies
became dominant.
There are several methods that have been used in
the teaching of foreign languages in general, and English in particular,
these correspond to the different methodological currents.
One of the first methods used in the teaching of
English and other modern languages is The method based on grammar and
translation, is a deductive and mentalist method, according to which the
language is acquired memorizing grammatical rules and paradigms, And long lists
of vocabulary, and is practiced applying that knowledge in exercises of direct
and inverse translation.
When the objective of learning a foreign language
was to communicate with the speakers of that language, and not only the reading
of literary works, it was seen that the method based on grammar and translation
could no longer be used exclusively. Then arise, a series
of methodological initiatives are grouped under the heading of "direct
methods", whose common denominator is the idea that the student should be
put in direct contact with the language he wants to learn, simulating concrete
situations that are most similar to Real that could be obtained in the
The translation used in the teaching of the foreign
language loses force and with the advances the communicative method arises,
which emphasizes in helping the students to use the language of learning in a
great variety of contexts and gives importance to the learning of the functions
of the tongue. Its main purpose is to help students create meaningful phrases
instead of helping them build perfectly correct grammatical structures or
achieve perfect pronunciation.
The activities carried out in the classes based on
the communicative method usually include activities in pairs and in groups that
require the negotiation and cooperation of the students, activities focused on
acquiring fluency that encourage students to increase their confidence,
Simulation (role playing) in which students practice and develop the functions
of the language, as well as activities focused on acquiring good use of grammar
and pronunciation.
Therefore the communicative approach in the courses
of foreign languages supposes much more than to include ludic activities,
authentic materials or to adopt a certain posture of personal relation. It is
necessary for the teacher to be clear about his or her conception of language
and foreign language teaching, which cannot be linked exclusively to lists of
words, grammatical rules or functions.
Being communicative and
following the communicative approach means understanding that a language is
more than an instrument of communication; Is to conceive the language as a
dialog, that is realized and concrete from the interaction with the others, in
a determined social, political, cultural and historical context
Mind map.
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